Still Hard At it
Still Hard At it
Despite the lack of post to this blog I have been still in the hunt for adsense glory. My real job has been keeping me quite busy these days, however I still manage to update, and provide my sites relatively good content. My adsense earnings are still very poor, but I think I can attribute that too the lack of Internet marketing these past couple of weeks. Thought I haven’t done a lot of promotion for my sites I have spent a great amount of time on the Internet, and came across some great resources. One such resource is a blog I mentioned in an early post title . The writer is seeing a lot more success than I am currently, but he has a slight edge, because of the software he is using. I on the other hand chose a different route, and am sticking to mainly free or almost free tools. Another good site to checkout is . The site moderator seems like she knows what she’s doing, and talks about the different ways one can earn money online. Meanwhile I’ll continue to grind at every opportunity possible.
Despite the lack of post to this blog I have been still in the hunt for adsense glory. My real job has been keeping me quite busy these days, however I still manage to update, and provide my sites relatively good content. My adsense earnings are still very poor, but I think I can attribute that too the lack of Internet marketing these past couple of weeks. Thought I haven’t done a lot of promotion for my sites I have spent a great amount of time on the Internet, and came across some great resources. One such resource is a blog I mentioned in an early post title . The writer is seeing a lot more success than I am currently, but he has a slight edge, because of the software he is using. I on the other hand chose a different route, and am sticking to mainly free or almost free tools. Another good site to checkout is . The site moderator seems like she knows what she’s doing, and talks about the different ways one can earn money online. Meanwhile I’ll continue to grind at every opportunity possible.
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