Adsense Beginners

Thursday, October 27, 2005

We're In Business

Since my last post I've been searching the net for ways to increase traffic to my sites in order to increase the amount of clicks I've been receiving. So far I haven't had a whole lot of success. I've taken the advice of various forums,and sites that I've visited, and left comments along with my site address in hopes that it might improve my traffic. One such site was , the articles there were very helpful,and provided me with a lot of information.
After leaving comments on a few blogs I tried joining public groups and forums that were relevant to my site content. I left a few messages on the message board of each group, which all included a link to my sites. It's only been a week or so, but I'll keep you informed on how that's working out.

Another way I used was through the various link exchange programs. Most of which are credit based systems in which you earn credits for every site you view. If you want more details you should check one out, there are dozens out there. I'm currently using TrafficSwarm. Despite my poor traffic rating I still have reason to rejoice, because I saw my first profit this past week. Of course it wasn't a lot ,and by a lot I mean I can't exactly go to McDonald's and splurge on 3 quarter pounders instead of two. However small the amount though I am truly happy to see that the system actually works. Now it's time to figure out how to make it work on a grander scale!!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Welcome to Adsense Beginners Day 1!!!!!!!!!!

First things first I am not some kinda of adsense guru seeking your money or fame. Im just a simple guy trying out this "Adsense Phenomenom" I've been hearing so much about. This blog is for everyone associated with Adsense, and any type of webadvertising programs. Feel free to share your experiences, as I will share mine, and hopefully the work we all put in will be a success. This is day one of my adsense ventures and, I have several blogs with relatively good content(atleast I think so)all of which are running Google Adsense. So far I have yet to see a profit,but I'm hoping that with the help of this blog,and the theory that two heads are better than one, three better than two etc. I will soon have some kind of success. Join me as I make my day to day rounds exploring the internet looking for tips ,and information on making my blogs and websites all that they can be.